Enjoy exclusive offers and rewards with The Remain Girls loyalty. Earn points on all Remain Studios purchases and unlock the benefits. Join now to start earning.



- 50 welcome points when you create an account

- Every $1 spent = 1 point

- Celebrate your birthday and receive 200 points on us

- Follow us on Instagram and receive 50 points

- Like us on Facebook and receive 50 points

- Share us on Facebook and receive 50 points


A personalised shopping experience with offers and rewards exclusive to our Remain Girls loyalty members. Sign up now to get started on your loyalty journey.

If you are a new customer, you can create an account here.

Existing customers with accounts are automatically a Remain Girls loyalty member.

Shop your favourite pieces and earn 1 point for every $1 NZD spent online, excluding loyalty reward redemptions, gift card purchase and shipping fees.

You can also earn additional points by completing activities listed under 'Ways to Earn'.

Unlock a reward by viewing 'Ways to Redeem' on your loyalty widget, once you have enough points click on the 'Redeem' button to claim.

When you are ready to use your loyalty reward, click on 'Apply code' and the discount will be automatically applied to checkout.

All Loyalty Rewards expire 1 year from redemption.

Log into your account and your points will be displayed on your account page and loyalty widget.

Loyalty rewards expire 1 year from the date issued - you can check the expiry date under 'Your rewards' in your loyalty widget.

- Loyalty reward vouchers can only be used on

- Loyalty reward vouchers can only be redeemed once. Any remaining balance is not redeemable on future purchases.

- Loyalty rewards can not be stacked at checkout, only one loyalty reward or discount code can be used per order.

- Loyalty points will be returned to your account on full order returns for orders placed with loyalty rewards.

- Loyalty points earnt are rounded up or down to the nearest dollar spent.